Historic Arkansas River Project

The Historic Arkansas River Project is a voter-approved city beautification project in Pueblo, Colorado. It is a multi-acreage project that is intended to be an economic catalyst for the area by attracting tourism and new businesses.[1] The project features a man made waterway that is accessible to the public free of charge. It is a celebration of the original path of the Arkansas River, whose route was the main reason for Pueblo's location. The San Antonio Riverwalk is considered the inspiration for its creation.[2] Since 1995 there have been two phases completed on the project. The third phase started in 2009 and currently holds plans for two hotels (including "the hippest hostelry ever") and several large restaurant complexes.[3]


  1. ^ "About Us and our History" (in English). H.A.R.P.. http://www.puebloharp.com/#/about-us/4528305785. Retrieved 2009-06-16. 
  2. ^ "Renovation & Restoration:New stone riverwalk revitalizes Colorado community" (in English). Stone World. http://www.stoneworld.com/Articles/Feature_Article/38f7fafd6d5f7010VgnVCM100000f932a8c0____. Retrieved 2009-06-16. 
  3. ^ Lewis, David. "Pueblo pitches the right price" (in English). Entrepreneur. http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/article/167025268.html. Retrieved 2009-06-16.